5 Minutes Daily

Monday, November 14, 2016

"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing."-Chick Moorman

I can agree with Moorman that doing what is right fair and square is more important because it is always the best option to do what is morally right. Choosing to do wrong should never be considered as an option.I think that people should be more like Mr. Moorman, He is a man who never chooses the wrong, Chick has his priorities straight. It should not matter whether you win or lose as long as you know you did the best you could, fairly. If you win something by cheating it is not really a win a all, all the meaning that went into winning just becomes lost. When you work hard for something and you win, you will not feel guilty about it, you will only feel proud and accomplished. Doing things with an unfair advantage is not right, it will feel wrong and you will not feel proud of yourself then. Even if you lose but you did your absolute best, you will feel accomplished and respected because of how far you have gotten to reach your goal, whether you won or you lost. Winning or losing will not be the end of the world, there will always be other chances to show that you did your best, and that is honorable. Winning the spelling bee or winning a race fair a square will be the best feeling in the world. 

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