5 Minutes Daily

Thursday, December 15, 2016


                                       Written by

                                William Steig & Ted Elliott

                         Once upon a time there was a lovely 
                         princess. But she had an enchantment 
                         upon her of a fearful sort which could 
                         only be broken by love's first kiss. 
                         She was locked away in a castle guarded 
                         by a terrible fire-breathing dragon. 
                         Many brave knights had attempted to 
                         free her from this dreadful prison, 
                         but non prevailed. She waited in the 
                         dragon's keep in the highest room of 
                         the tallest tower for her true love 
                         and true love's first kiss. (laughs) 
                         Like that's ever gonna happen. What 
                         a load of - (toilet flush)

               Allstar - by Smashmouth begins to play. Shrek goes about his 
               day. While in a nearby town, the villagers get together to go 
               after the ogre.

               NIGHT - NEAR SHREK'S HOME

                         Think it's in there?

                         All right. Let's get it!

                         Whoa. Hold on. Do you know what that 
                         thing can do to you?

                         Yeah, it'll grind your bones for it's 

               Shrek sneaks up behind them and laughs.

                         Yes, well, actually, that would be a 
                         giant. Now, ogres, oh they're much worse. 
                         They'll make a suit from your freshly 
                         peeled skin.


                         They'll shave your liver. Squeeze the 
                         jelly from your eyes! Actually, it's 
                         quite good on toast.

                         Back! Back, beast! Back! I warn ya! 
                         (waves the torch at Shrek.)

               Shrek calmly licks his fingers and extinguishes the torch. The 
               men shrink back away from him. Shrek roars very loudly and long 
               and his breath extinguishes all the remaining torches until the 
               men are in the dark.

                         This is the part where you run away. 
                         (The men scramble to get away. He laughs.) 
                         And stay out! (looks down and picks 
                         up a piece of paper. Reads.) "Wanted. 
                         Fairy tale creatures."(He sighs and 
                         throws the paper over his shoulder.)

Class Evaluation

The things that I like about this class is that we get to improve our typing every time we are here. We also learn some decent morals. I really like how this class is easy so then I spend the rest of my time decorating my blog.
  One thing I do not like about that class is that the student success statements tend to be very repetitive. Almost all of them either say to not lie, to choose the right, or to not do bad things. They are vague and repetitive. I also do not like how we can only go to the same typing tutor website, it becomes boring. We spend a lo of class time discussing how in a semi realistic situation someone did not choose the right and they faced the consequences. It would be better if we actually learned about computer stuff like coding instead of just practicing typing.
  It would  be nice to learn coding, more "computer class" like. We all know to choose the right, it is embedded in our brains. By now this entire class has been brainwashed with CTR.
  The highlight for me is that there is no homework :^)
  I did really try my best in this class because even though the SSS's are repetitive I try to write new reasons why
  I am reading my life planning goals journal every day fro five minutes. Once i pick it up from my bookshelf I have the urge to cross out the goals  I have achieved that day. Then When I get it to pick it up from the bookshelf the next day I write a few more.
  I am being committed to being a CTR person because I am a good noodle*cough* I mean scholar... I have no interest in doing drugs or smoking ever sooooooo. I do not want to be bad because I am too much of a weenie to do anything too drastic.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Honorable Jenny Talia :D

I will call the girl who did not cheat on her test Jenny, Jenny Talia. Jenny had that opportunity to cheat on her test but she refused because she knew it would be honorable not to cheat on her quiz. A brunette with dark makeup(stereotypical much?) offers to help her friend cheat because she is the bad girl apparently. Even though Jenny Talia refuses to cheat she is still friends with the brunette, which is good :^) The Video also should a man in medical school witnessing how other students were cheating when he was being fair and square and also responsible. Another student said out loud that he was going to tell their mothers...I mean their teacher on them if they continue to cheat. He was seen as brave and respectable because of that. The white men no longer cheated and most of their class passed. (yay I guess)
"When you tell one lie, it leads to another"- Paul Hatch
I kinda agree with paul hatch that one lie will just lead to another because people who lie get used to their habits. Once they are used to themselves  lying it will become a force of habit a majority of the time. That only happens in a small majority of cases. Usually when people lie they are small white lies that are not completely bad. Everyone with common sense can recognize when the lie has gone too far and it will not be believable with more lies. Even when someone chooses to lie they still have the choice to tell the truth or not lie anymore. Not everyone continues to do bad just because they did one bad thing in the past. It is more important to learn from your mistakes and to be the best you can be than worrying about someone lying if it was an unimportant lie that does not hurt anyone. We are taught to have self control, because of that it is not true that one lie always leads to another. Everyone lies, it is not realistic to expect that everyone is always telling the truth, everyone lies and most of the time it is not a big deal.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Patrick Kearon
This man chose the WRONG when he was a child, he did not learn from his mistakes :( 
He was in the desert with his parents, there were dangerous animals around. His parents always warned him to wear shoes so creatures like snakes or fire ants will not hurt him. Sadly one day he did not listen to his parent's wise words, he chose the WRONG :O He decided that he would only be away from a short distance so he wore chanclas instead >:O Right as he went for his walk he got stung by a SCORPION. He was in excruciating pain, the nearest hospital was two hours away, he thought he was dying. Once he got to the hospital the doctor gave him a serum to cure his pain. He THOUGHT he knew his lesson, but he did not. Later when he was older he felt REBELLIOUS and LAZY so he wore chanclas out into the desert AGAIN! >:L It did not end well. He Got stung a second time. Not listening to his parents really bit him in the @$$!
"Always do RIGHT."-Mark Twain
I can happily agree with Mr.Twain  about the statement he said about doing what is Right. No one should do anything else but do what is right, there is nothing negative about doing the right thing. That doing good can solve every problem. You will never do anything wrong if you always choose to do what is right! You will not ever struggle or have difficulties in life if you always do what is right no matter what. I think that this goes for everything in life really, even if you make mistakes, if you choose to do what is right and learn from them, your life will improve because you will not make that mistake again. If you have a very difficult decision to make, doing what is right will help you make that decision. If you want to watch T.V but you cannot until you do your chores then you should do what is right and do your chores.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

"It's better to be alone than in bad company."-Mr. Haymoore
I can agree with this quote that it is usually better to be alone in these situations. It is bad to be with bad company because bad people do bad things and it is bad to be around them because it will teach you to be bad. You should not let bad people influence you to do bad things, that would not be CTR at all. An alternative to hanging out with bad company would be to hang out with good company like CTR people. Just focus on surrounding yourself with everything good and CTR to live a nice, respectable life. It is not good or CTR to surround yourself with people who like to drink or smoke. It is way better to be alone if your friends drink one night.
Try to be CTR and drink a Capri Sun instead of a shot of tequila or a pina colada. To be CTR is to be sober, not smoke, not curse, not do any drugs, not be dishonest, not be disrespectful, not be lazy, and the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on...


  1. The countries that fought against each other were Germany, Japan, and Italy, those country fought against France, Australia, Canada, Britain, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China and the United States of America
  2. WWII took place mainly in Europe and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. The battles in Europe took place in france, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Holland. The battles in the islands of the pacific ocean were Hawaii, Midway, Iwo Jima and the Philippines
  3. Some events that occurred during WWII were that Hitler invaded Poland in September 1939, France and Britain declared war on Germany. After conquering Poland, Germany attacked France. France fell in June 1940, and soon the Nazis overran most of the rest of Europe and North Africa.

Image result for WWIIImage result for WWII

  4. We can honor and show respect for WWII veterans by simply thanking them for their service, donating to the USO, place flowers/other memorabilia on veteran graves, you could also just wear/ show a yellow ribbon on your clothes.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Challenges Teens Face Today

A few challenges teens face today are dealing with great amounts of new stress about many topics like; choosing college, getting good enough grades to get in that college, going to school five days a week, not getting enough sleep, having multiple projects from multiple classes at once,getting a job, having enough time for fun, etc.  Many teens are not completely sure how they should do things, the moment we become teens we have many new responsibilities we have to think about. Our entire future depends on the grades we get, the college we go to, the extracurricular programs we are in, the job we need, and what we are planning to major in. Other issues that affect the teens in our time are issues like teen pregnancy, low self-esteem, and depression. Many teens do not have or know opportunities to find help. One of challenges I face is the stress caused by school and thinking about my future. Being a good person just keeps me from doing dumb things like drugs or drinking. I would send those people to professionals who can help with their problems, like planned parenthood or a therapist. 
Image result for teen problems Image result for teen problems
Teens need more time to find out their footing in their plan for their future. So much stress is caused by not knowing what to do. We all want to do great things but we don't know how to start. Even having one school day dedicated to figuring out our college plan would help a lot. Days before we would write questions about what we want to know and be able to ask professionals from colleges. They would give advice as well as other experienced people, the thing teens need the most is to be educated and informed.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Image result for physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body it is the basis of dynamic john f kennedy

I agree absolutely with former President Kennedy that physical fitness is very important for a healthy body. Being healthy and strong is very important when it comes to doing your best. When you are at your best physically it wells good, you feel more energised and inspired, and that leads to even greater things. Doing your best intellectually is very dependent on how good you feel. If you for not sleep and take care of your body you will not have enough energy to do simple things in life. Going without sleep affects your entire day. Mental health is  also very important as well. If you do not feed yourself properly you might  feel lazy and tired, which will not help you get to the peak of your intelligence and skill.  There is no way to do your best if you do not put the effort in becoming your best. Having a healthy body is extremely important to being the best you can be, all you have to do is take care of yourself.

Health Science Librarian

  Duties and Responsibilities: A health science librarian provides access to medical information with books, presentations, pamphlets, etc. These people help medical students, patients, and health providers on their search for information. they are in charge of keeping doctors/physicians up to date on the newest technology and developments in their specific field of expertise. They must look at for new experimental drugs, surgeries, and other developments to provide the patient with their best choice at the moment.

  Salary: $50,000-$65.000

  Education: Master's degree,Bachelor’s of science degree

  Demand: to grow by 5%

  Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? I would like to become a Health Science Librarian because I would be able to study and explore what new developments are being made to make the healing process the most efficient it can be. I would read articles about new groundbreaking discoveries and be able to provide a new option for the patient that will help them better than the other options. It also seems to be very nice to be a librarian, I like organizing things.

Image result for medical librarian