5 Minutes Daily

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

"When you tell one lie, it leads to another"- Paul Hatch
I kinda agree with paul hatch that one lie will just lead to another because people who lie get used to their habits. Once they are used to themselves  lying it will become a force of habit a majority of the time. That only happens in a small majority of cases. Usually when people lie they are small white lies that are not completely bad. Everyone with common sense can recognize when the lie has gone too far and it will not be believable with more lies. Even when someone chooses to lie they still have the choice to tell the truth or not lie anymore. Not everyone continues to do bad just because they did one bad thing in the past. It is more important to learn from your mistakes and to be the best you can be than worrying about someone lying if it was an unimportant lie that does not hurt anyone. We are taught to have self control, because of that it is not true that one lie always leads to another. Everyone lies, it is not realistic to expect that everyone is always telling the truth, everyone lies and most of the time it is not a big deal.

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