5 Minutes Daily

Thursday, January 26, 2017


"Enthusiasm makes the difference." -Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
I can enthusiastically agree that enthusiasm makes all the difference when doing anything. Wanting do do something rather than feeling like you should do something is a better way to get motivated. The difference between wanting to do something and doing that thing is motivation had enthusiasm. If you are motivated you can do anything. It would be impossible to live life without motivation. .Everyone in the world who has ever followed their dreams had enthusiasm and motivation for what they dreamed about. If you are not motivated then what ever you are doing will just feel like a chore and it will be no fun. One way to motivate yourself is to do something you look forward to everyday. I look forward to having a good job and a really nice home so that gives me motivation to get good grades. Without enthusiasm and motivation we would never improve, we  would just be stuck with our same routines everyday and have no fun.
Image result for dr norman vincent peale

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