Duties: Naturopathic doctors combine holistic and non toxic medicinal techniques to provide disease prevention and optimized wellness. It is based on the process of self healing and disease prevention using natural remedies. Some may not consider naturopathic doctors real doctors, while technically they are. Only in the case when they prescribe medicine when it is absolutely necessary. The process of believing that the body can heal itself is called Homeopathy, it was founded in Germany in the 1700s and later spread to Europe.
Salary: $80,000-$90,000
Education: 4 year graduate level naturopathic med school, Bachelor's degree, Medical Degree, State license
Demand: 26% increase
Reflection: I would like the concept but I would not like to become one. This medicine is probably for more therapeutic instances. It is good to know that natural medicine doctors exist and that it gives more options for patients seeking natural care.
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