"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often."-Peter Vidmar
I agree with Peter Vidmar that you should not sacrifice what you want most for what you want now, everyone should always focus on their end goal. Sometimes we forget our goals and neglect them for a while, but we should try our best and put our greatest effort if we really want to achieve our goal. Peter's advice really worked out for him, he always remembered his goal and worked on it, and that lead to him achieving his life long dreams and lead to him doing something even better than what he anticipated. I believe that if you always keep one goal in mind and work on it as often as you can, you will improve so much in the long run. Developing a skill takes a lot of time and effort. If you want to become the fastest person alive you have to practice as much as you possibly can, you have to try and try again. To not fail and make mistakes you have to practice and learn from your mistakes and move on. The only thing stopping you from following your dreams is yourself. If you want to become a talented artist you have to practice that skill, you have to paint, draw, sculpt, go through trial and error over and over again. Setting your priorities straight is the first step in becoming what you want to be, you have to know what your goal is first to start trying to fulfill it. If you really want to become the best you, you can possibly be, then you have to try and always keep in mind what you really want in life, not what you want right now.
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