5 Minutes Daily

Friday, October 7, 2016

"Goal setting is goal getting. Set and get." -Mark Victor Hanson

I really like what Mr. Hanson said about how to get your goals, it is very inspiring.  The first step to achieve your goal is to create one, easy as that. It does not have to be complicated to achieve your goal. Once you create your goal , achieving it will be a bit easier, taking small steps at a time is less overwhelming. Even small goals are worth setting and getting. Examples would be like wanting to finish your homework as soon as you get home everyday. If you set many small goals that go hand in hand with your bigger goals you will feel better and less reluctant to do it. The best way to do something is to try, setting your goal is the first step that will lead you to success. If you decide to Get all A's this semester you can do it if you try your best, once you set your goal nothing will be able to stop you. It is good to set goals for yourself because you should challenge yourself and test your boundaries. If you do not set any goals in life you will not improve, you will just stay in place and not want to do anything better than what you can currently do. Our goals motivate us to do better and to become the best that we can possibly be, all it takes is for you to begin by setting the goal and committing to it.

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